Dear World ...

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

The smell of popcorn from the local cinema's drifted over the road as I walked to the old station masters cottage where the drinks are stored at work. I was reminded of childhood trips, though there weren't many, and of more recent visits to the movies, with family and friends. A warm nostalgic feeling swept over me, and I opened the bolted door with a smile on my face.

Walking into the darkened storeroom, smelling the petrol from the gardening equipment kept on a shelf near the door, my smile faded, and I was reminded of the events which were occuring at that very moment, at different places around the world.

I felt sick and depressed.

Children starving while their mother makes your next pair of Nike$, rhetoric rhetoric rhetoric.

It's true, and It get's to me.


  • Discount Hydro!

    .: posted by : Anonymous Anonymous @ 2:08 pm :.  

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