On John Howard, John Laws, and Our rights.
Over on little Johnny's website -
Lawsy and Johnny are having a good old chat about why we don't deserve a bill of rights.
It’s part of this new Bill of Rights. Have you had a look at that?
Oh I’ve had a look at the Bill of Rights. I don’t believe in Bills of Rights.
Neither do I.
......... Some time later .........
I think a Bill of Rights is a totally undesirable… I think it can end up restricting rights rather than enhancing them.
Yeah. We should have a Bill of Responsibilities.
Well I certainly agree with that and I think the States should have that too. I think one of my complaints about the State Governments at the present time is they’re big on rights, but when it comes to any responsibility, they get into a jam and they say it’s the fault of Canberra.
So Laws wants us to be responsible (for giving him ridiculously large amounts of many presumably), and Howard wants the states to stop holding him accountable, (labour should be responsible, let me just screw up our country and put annoying stupid cows in cabinet positions *cough* Van - Stone *cough*
Hi, I just saw that you're linking to my site. Thanks! I've put a link to "Dear World" on my Blog now too
torfeida | 21.04.04 - 8:29 am
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