Dear World ...

Saturday, May 29, 2004

I started writing the previous post quite a while ago, and so it's all over the place. It starts telling story about me, which is unrelated to the original point, and then stops after I realized I was talking about something completely different.

Basically, I'm not our partying, not because I am an "academic" stuck-up private school snob who studies continuously and who's closest friend is a computer, I don't think anyone can be all of those at once (I am though, in the many ways different people see me), but because I both choose to learn about stuff all the time (knowledge addict [but not a statistics freak]), and am too much of a control freak to get off my face.

I'm the only person, perhaps besides Benita, and some people who may not "know" me well who actually know me, with the last two probably having the best picture.


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