Dear World ...

Friday, April 02, 2004

Column 8 die-hards falsify childrens' documents to justify views - Defy UN conventions

I thought that bit in Column 8 was a bit suss, when I was reading it the other day.

Monday, March 29, 2004

Bush - Finds suffering funny

Bush Jokes

Jester of the Free World

I read it online the other day, and tried to watch it on MSNBC (only place with video). They wouldn't let me watch it in Mozilla FireBird, but ended up having to use IE (capitalism eh?) - video ended up not working but got to listen to the stupid drawling voice of terristo numero uno cracking his stupid jokes.

Patronising tones not appreciated missy, so maybe I do deserve it (Re: comments)

That ABC thing sounds interesting.

Getting kicked off now, (family ganging up on me).

Terrorists are human too.

Now Howard wants to ban Australian citizens from writing books if they have any percieved terrorist links, stopping the public from being able to learn about what they did and why they did it.

[Howard wants Aussies] banned from writing books if they have trained with a terrorist organisation.

"Most people would regard it as pretty offensive that somebody can be associated with a terrorist organisation which has killed people including associates [who] may have killed our people in Bali and then they go and write a book about it," he said.

     - ABC News Online
So now we have state censorship and human rights abuses being planned for introduction into Australian legislature, It's sounds like the old rhetoric from Cold War days is being reversed and put into use as party policy over in Media Wash HQ.