Dear World ...

Thursday, March 18, 2004

I'd like to go to Nepal as well as those.

[ BBC : The Age of Empire]

Some pictures from cuba.
[ ]

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Argh, My TV has been Hi-Jacked. THEY ARE WATCHING POPSTARS.

Lol, you should of just seen the reopening of Luna Park (some presentation thingy and only one ride (some big metallic slide (the ones they used potato sacks with)). Anyway they had all these 60 year olds who used to go there and they were going down the slides, pretty funny.

I'm not attacking you, and the question answer structure was just mentally easier for me to write with. I do agree with you that the rich private schools don't deserve extra funding, I just get really pissed off when I walk into a newsagency which has a newspaper out the front completely writing off all schools that are not public.

"PM gives money to Catholics : Catholics give money to your newsagency"

I have to go to work so no more arguing discussion for the moment.

Cleaning up chicken poop in Japan

Cleaning up the Locusts plague in Australia

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Benita: What kind of world are we living in people?
James: One which would rather attack than help each other.

Benita: Thanks Howard, next time I'm in Sydney I might get blown up from catching a bus etc.
James: Don't worry next time you're traveling on public transport or sipping on your lattè in an Australian city you need not worry. The police chiefs from around the nation have committed to protecting our way of life, no starving, oppressed, terrorised (terror in its "acceptable" form that is (wars with "smart" bombs, collateral beings and "friendly" fire) ) need enter your thoughts, leaving room for more important things like your cousins exchange "pet" (student*), or those hot *German* guys from MUNA.

Benita: That's what you get for living in a country who allied itself with the bigger "axis of evil".
James: Biggest* axis of evil? I think most of us of the "First" world fit that description, at the moment anyway, and even if only by association.

Benita: Once you would have been proud to say "I'm Australian" now its shameful.
James: I am still proud to say that I am Australian (or "私はオストラーリア人です。"), I'm saddened at the willingness of many to denounce our country, sure there are some things we have collectively done that are shameful, but we can not just give up and walk away.

Why not be more like New Zealand? Well the accent is way to hard to learn, and besides all our sheep have died of in the drought, and you couldn't be a New Zealander without sheep (harmless joking, sorry if any offence taken guys).

It's probably blocked because it says both "cr*p and sh*t". I'll try censoring out bits, see what that does. If it doesn't work you may have to write a letter to your principal, local members of Parliament, and the education office, outlining the ineffectiveness of their censorship, and that little thing they call the concept of free speach.

Ok, Ok, Ok. You've got to stop posting multiple copies of entries ... we get the point.
Going to a school which is often branded as being one of "them bloody private skools" I have a bit of a different perspective on it. You've been there yourself Benita, have you really been sucked into the political propaganda whirlpool?,

(Read: Latham IS NOT a deity. )

do we not deserve funding because we've gone with a different schooling system? We do pay the same taxes as the rest of you, on top of these things called school fees (Skool* Fees sorry).
Sure the government shouldn't be funding the elite private schools (Kings, etc (anyone with enough money for Tennis Courts / Swimming Pools / Super Computers ) but branding anyone who's not with public schooling as undeserving of funding is wrong.

You're afraid / sick / distraught from reading a paper, imaging living under oppression caused by thoughtless western capitalism.

Did you watch Four Corners last night? I was in tears.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

By the way, I've got an interview for the Year 11 Student Rep. positiion on Tuesday, after a Caritas Australia Just Leadership day in North Sydney on Monday. I have to reply to an invitation to the Japanese embassy by Tuesday as well. Basically I've got a very busy start to the week.

Just saw a World Vision sponsorship advertisement on TV, it's sad that they have to put suffering children up for display like puppies in a pet store window. Not their fault it's the only way they can get funding though I suppose.

You can't lead the free world. :p