Dear World ...

Saturday, April 24, 2004


Anzac Day's tomorrow. I'm debating whether I should go to a ceremony (as a rep. of my school) or not. On the one hand, these people died fighting a war, which we are told they fought nobly and for good cause, in the interests of our country, and for the betterment of humanity, on the other, tomorrow is, in a way, a celebration of the use of military force, we are not just remembering the deaths of these people, we are glorifying their actions, and giving justification to the militarist frame of mind.

ANZAC day is "a day to remember", whether you reflect on the loss of life, or on a sacrifice, it was undoubtedly an important date in Australian or World history.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Heard the other day in an interview with a representative of the American republican party, discussing the American policy of non-involvement (not getting involved in overseas confllicts).

"We're all really inbred republicans"

Sorry, This blog is too political sometimes.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

I've got Gmail


Wednesday, April 21, 2004

On John Howard, John Laws, and Our rights.

Over on little Johnny's website -

Lawsy and Johnny are having a good old chat about why we don't deserve a bill of rights.


It’s part of this new Bill of Rights. Have you had a look at that?


Oh I’ve had a look at the Bill of Rights. I don’t believe in Bills of Rights.


Neither do I.

......... Some time later .........


I think a Bill of Rights is a totally undesirable… I think it can end up restricting rights rather than enhancing them.


Yeah. We should have a Bill of Responsibilities.


Well I certainly agree with that and I think the States should have that too. I think one of my complaints about the State Governments at the present time is they’re big on rights, but when it comes to any responsibility, they get into a jam and they say it’s the fault of Canberra.

So Laws wants us to be responsible (for giving him ridiculously large amounts of many presumably), and Howard wants the states to stop holding him accountable, (labour should be responsible, let me just screw up our country and put annoying stupid cows in cabinet positions *cough* Van - Stone *cough*

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

As we speak, one Benita C-------, of unkown origins, is travelling by train, somewhere on the NSW central coast. This poor soul is enduring a night of cramped, sleepless, arse aching travelling.

"Welcome to Countrylink, I trust you have brought plenty of food and an overstuffed pillow, all passengers are advised that passengers travelling are required to undergo pillow searches, and that food labelled Ricola Alpine Fresh is strictly prohibited. This train will depart at 10:28 pm and arrives in Sydney at 11:40am tomorrow morning. Thankyou for choosing Countrylink, really, the only choice for travel - 'cos WE own the rails."

Sunday, April 18, 2004

quotation markAnd the satellite news says the cease-fire is holding and George Bush says to the troops on Easter Sunday that, “I know what we’re doing in Iraq is right.” Shooting unarmed men in the back outside their family home is right. Shooting grandmothers with white flags is right? Shooting at women and children who are fleeing their homes is right? Firing at ambulances is right?end quotation mark

How about devoting the entire Military and NASA budgets to eradicating hunger, poverty, and disease.

The problem with those emails is that they are usually made up. They could have a basis somewhere, but along the way people change little bits of the story to support their perspective.

In the story the prisoner said:

"I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a Holy war against the infidels of the world"
Where did he pull that one from? Most Imams?, most Imams preach peace, the fundamental idea of the Islamic belief.

The sender talked about "the truth about the Muslims beliefs": I doubt she would know the truths about Islamic beliefs, or her own religion for that matter. The pope granted free passage to heaven for the crusaders. All they had to do was travel across Europe and parts of the Middle East killing people, not just Muslims or Jews, but other Christians ended up dying (they didn't speak English, so of course they couldn't have been Christian).

Another message for the ignorant girl from Texas New Jersey: Muslims believe in Jesus too. Stop believing everything the media, your church or your parents are telling you and find stuff out for yourself. Don't go through life blinding following everyone else.