Dear World ...

Friday, June 11, 2004

BloggerBot: Photo One - "We are all 'Boat People'." Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Homophobe Howard.

Our beloved leader, His Honorable Prime Ministership, the virtuous and just, Mr. John Howard, attacked ABC children's program "Play School" today. Addressing outcry from certain factions of the Australian public, Johnny said "This is an example of the ABC running an agenda in a children's program,". After having sat through the Rumsfeld - Rice propaganda workshopping program early this week, he quickly took up the opportunity to show off his new polarizing skills.

"If people want to debate that issue, do it on a program like Lateline, but not on Play School." he decreed, adding later, that this was to allow him to continue to watch his favourite program in total ignorance of any non-nuclear family situations.